Cao Yu
Video works


++海报图 最终 .jpg

I Have (II), 2024
single channel 6K video (colour, sound)
5'59" (excerpt 1')
edition of 8 + 2 AP


Where Have You Been, 2020, 1/6
aerial holographic projection
120 x 120 cm (size of video); 135 x 135 x 20 cm (acrylic cover)
edition of 6 + 2 AP


Escape off the Edge of the Human World, 2021, 1/6
single channel HD video, color/sound
edition of 6 + 2 AP

CaoYu_I Have_2017.png

I Have, 2017
Single channel video (colour, sound) 3'
edition of 6 + 2 AP

Cao Yu_The Labourer_2017.png

The Labourer, 2017
Single channel HD video (colour, silent), 9'
edition of 6 + 2 AP


Fountain, 2015
Single channel HD video (colour, silence)
11'10" (excerpt 1')
edition of 10 + 2 AP