Shao Fan


Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne (2016). Shao Fan (Yu Han). Beijing, China.


Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne (2014). Shao Fan. Face to Face. Beijing, China. 


Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing-Lucerne (2012). Appreciation of Oldness: The Paintings of Shao Fan. Beijing, China.


Goodrow, G. A. (2014). Crossing China. Land of the Rising Art Scene. DAAB Media GmbH. Cologne, Germany. p. 90-91, 99.


Tiantai Art Museum and Yuan Art Museum (2013). Confronting Anitya - Oriental Experience in Contemporary Art.


D’Alton, M. (2013). Against The Grain: Wood in Contemporary Art, Craft and Design. The Monacelli Press, New York, p. 80 f.