unexpected desire

August 3 – September 15, 2024  
Galerie Urs Meile Ardez

Saturday, August 3, 2024; 4 – 7pm

press release english

By Philipp Sarasin

Behind heavy, opaque curtains, spaces of longing and reverence, spaces of terror or spaces of desire and lust unfold – in the theater or in the brothel, before the crime scene or the place reserved for the medical gaze, before the altar or the sanctuary... Throughout art history since Giotto, curtains have opened to reveal glimpses of heavenly hosts; often temptingly semi-transparent, curtains up to modern art continually pose the question of the relationship between inside and outside, inclusion and exclusion, concealment and revelation. In any case, the curtain is never an insurmountable barrier, but both boundary and mediator, a movable line between two worlds. Whoever steps through it is transformed. Behind the curtain, a heterotopic space opens up, separated from the outside and the before, yet simultaneously preserving and revealing its mystery.


Press Release (PDF English)
Press Release (PDF German)

Opening Hours
Friday to Sunday, 3 – 6 pm
and by appointment